FMP FGS Valadares Portugal

Forcible Entry - Dforcible

BIN FGS Brandweer Amsterdam
IFA Tunnel Fire Training, Switzerland

VESTA BIN Fireground Survival okt 2016
BIN TTT Fireground Survival jan 2016
CFBT-NL Veiligheidsregio Noord Oost Gelderland

Int. 3D-firefighting course 2014, Belgium.
Brandweer Brussel rekruten 2014
BW Vilvoorde Fireground Survival.

Fireground survival & air management

Firefighters up, close & personal

CFBT Brussel fire department recruits (Francophone 2)

CFBT Brussel fire department recruits (Francophone)

RIT fireground survival with Leuven, Lennik, Liege, Ath...

CFBT for the Brussel fire department recruits

Brussel Fire Department recruits NL 2013 - 2014

11e company, firestation Helihaven headquarters.

RIT fireground survival with Leuven, Namur and Liege.

Why you want the Darth-vader helmet!

Dollhouse, some try outs.
© Pieter Maes