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Elie KudlakElie KudlakElie Kudlak in one of his amazing poses.

Pictures taken during a three week production-session with the circus group Companie Les P'Tits Bras. They are putting together their new spectacles "L'Odeur de la Sciure" . They will be touring Europe with this show next summer (2014).

Particpating in this spectacle are Jan-Willem Maes, Sophie Mandoux, Raphaël Gacon, Birta Benonysdottir and Elie Kudlak.

Check their calendar and pick your date to go and enjoy this amazing show. Or like them on their Facebook page then you'll stay up to date.
Elie Kudlak lookoutFlying Elie KudlakFlying Elie KudlakFlying Elie KudlakElie Kudlak sideways flightFlying human, Elie KudlakElie Kudlak handstandRaphaël Gacon and Birta BenonysdottirWorking and creatingThe guys with the strong arms.Birta in red.Birta Benonysdottir diving downBirta Benonysdottir flyingBirta Benonysdottir mid air up side down.Birta Benonysdottir reaching outSophie Mandoux and Raphaël GaconSophie Mandoux and Raphaël GaconBirta Benonysdottir across the church.Birta Benonysdottir in the airSophie Mandoux upside down in the air.